5 Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Tips


Perhaps the only thing wise about wisdom teeth is deciding to get a wisdom tooth removal procedure when the need arises. These teeth can start growing in the wrong direction and start damaging the adjacent teeth and causing severe discomfort over time. Failing to remove wisdom teeth on time can result in your teeth developing an infection, damage the teeth beside them, and even cause serious health conditions.

Did you know that each year, around 5 million people in the US get their wisdom teeth removed? Considering how common wisdom tooth extraction is, a surprising number of people are afraid of getting the procedure.

Like with any significant dental procedure, you will have to go through a recovery period to let the area heal. Most cases see a complete recovery in a few days. However, failing to follow aftercare tips once you get a wisdom teeth removal procedure can cause complications.

Are you worried about the surgery to get your wisdom tooth removed? You don’t need to be scared. This post will guide you by giving you useful information on what to expect when getting the procedure and some wisdom teeth removal recovery tips that can help you prevent the potential side effects and make a rapid recovery.

What You Can Expect After Getting Your Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom tooth removal surgery is a minimally invasive process. A dentist might need to make an incision in your gums to remove an impacted tooth. Performing the incision is necessary to get to the roots of the affected tooth and adequately remove it.

Since there’s a need to make an incision and the process can be painful, the dentist will apply local anesthesia to your mouth. The effect of the anesthesia can last until the next day. While local anesthesia is safe, it can cause some side effects like nausea and vomiting. You can also experience dizziness that can last for a while after the surgery. It is useful to have someone go with you for the procedure and offer you support if you feel dizzy. You don’t have to worry about nausea and vomiting because they will subside soon.

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You can also expect to experience some pain and swelling in your cheeks after the wisdom tooth removal. This is also a common part of the process, and you should not let it bother you. The pain and swelling will subside in a few days.

You should also know that the extraction site can bleed right after the procedure. However, the bleeding typically lasts a few hours. Fortunately, the extraction site will develop a clot to stop the bleeding within the first 24 hours of getting the surgery.

5 Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Tips

Applying the following wisdom teeth removal recovery tips can help you heal faster and prevent any complications.

1. Gently bite down on a gauze pad

Bleeding at the extraction site is quite common, and your dentist may ask you to bite down on a gauze pad to contain it. Biting down on a gauze pad will also help your gums develop blood clots to stop the bleeding much faster. These blood clots are necessary because they protect the extraction site from infection. Don’t bite on it too hard because that can reopen the wound. 

2. Apply ice

Swelling and pain are common after a wisdom tooth removal surgery. Fortunately, there is an easy solution to the problem. Apply an ice pack for 20-minute intervals while giving your face 20 minutes to rest between each application. Do this as much as you can for the first two days after the procedure, and it will minimize the pain and reduce the swelling.

3. Take the prescribed pain medication

Depending on your tolerance to pain, the dentist might prescribe over-the-counter or prescription pain medicine for pain relief. You might also need to take antibiotics to prevent infections in the extraction site. Follow your dentist’s instructions regarding the medication to the T to get the best results.

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4. Ensure that your mouth stays clean

Your dentist might suggest brushing your teeth on the night when you get the surgery. Make sure that you are very gentle when you are brushing your mouth close to the extraction site to keep the blood clot intact. Your dentist may also tell you to rinse your mouth with warm saltwater instead of commercial rinsing products. Do this at least five times a day, especially after each meal.

5. Don’t eat hard foods

Getting all the necessary nutrients in your diet is necessary for a quick recovery. However, you should make sure that you eat only soft foods that are easy to chew. Broth, mashed vegetables, Jell-O, and other foods could be ideal. Avoid eating hard foods because they can dislodge the blood clot and reopen the wound.

Final Thoughts

Many people tend to delay getting their dental surgeries done because they fear the post-surgery recovery period being too long and unbearable. However, ignoring your wisdom teeth can create problems that start with pain and can lead to more serious conditions like infections or cysts. The impacted teeth can also damage the adjacent teeth in your mouth.

Following these tips for wisdom teeth removal recovery can help you fully enjoy the results of your dental surgery as quickly as possible without suffering any complications. Are you still worried about getting your wisdom tooth removed and the possible side effects? The expert dental professionals at Santa Monica Center for Oral Surgery & Dental Implants can help you by performing the procedure and ensuring a quick recovery by giving you all the aftercare tips necessary to make that possible.

The professionals at Santa Monica OMS have been serving their patients in Santa Monica for over 40 years, providing them with excellent oral care and dental implants that bring a new smile and restore their confidence.

Contact them today to get your wisdom teeth removed without worrying about any complications during the recovery.