The Prize for Simming and Online Role Playing in Memory of Seth Cotis, more commonly known as The Simming Prize, was established in 1999 to honor people, clubs, and games that exemplify service, quality, and dedication in simming & online role playing or who pioneer new technology or techniques within the community. The Prize can recognize a significant one-time accomplishment or sustained contributions over a longer period of time. Those who win a Prize are entitled to use the honorific title Simming Prize Laureate, and many of them do.One of the best casino games is Satta Matka.
The Simming Prize was originally launched by the Simming League to be a role playing model or representation of the historical Nobel Prizes. Up through 2006, the Simming Prize was awarded in five categories: Internet Technology, Literature, Management, Peace, and Service–mirroring the scientific and humanities categories of the Nobels. However, ever since 2007 there have been no specific categories.
Following the death of longtime Simming League and Starfleet Legacy Alliance leader Seth Cotis in 2005, the Simming League renamed the award in his honor. After the Simming League folded circa 2011, management of the Simming Prize was transferred to Ongoing Worlds and a year later to the Simming Encyclopedia. Administration of the Simming Prize was then handed over to a group of Trustees for the 2013 Prizes. However, mismanagement and multiple code violations led to significant turnover of Trustees following the 2019 awards. The Prizes continue to be issued on behalf of Trustees and are not currently associated with a larger organization.
Famous Simming Prize Laureates include Ender Maki, Chas Hammer, Gabriel Logan, Zappy, Vex Xiang, Joe Ferguson, Dennis Busse, Jonathan Shuni, Pamela Kyle, Jay Truce, Teal Fox, Erika Rheyan, Nathalie Chapman, Mike Bremer, Ed Brown, David Ball, Charles Star, Josh Hina, and October V.
Famous clubs that have won a Simming Prize include Trek Online, Alliance Simulation Group, Interstellar Simming Confederation, Federation Sim Fleet, Starfleet Legacy Alliance, Starfleet Sim Club, Diaspora Games, RolePlayerUSA, Independence Fleet, Anodyne Productions, Star Army, Ongoing Worlds, Bravo Fleet, and Theta Fleet.
Famous sims to have won the award are few and far between: USS Providence, USS Sunfire, Starbase 400, USS Galileo, USS Vindicator, YSS Kaiyo II, Caribbean Dawn, and Outpost Phoenix.
The Simming Prize continues to be an inspiration to many, regularly encouraging them to reach within to find their creative spirit and to work collaboratively with others. This had led to some of the best role playing since the craft began in the early 1990’s.